Publicado em 8 de March de 2021
Posted in 8 de March de 2021
949 visualizaçõesViews • 1 min de leituramin reading

Virada Sustentável 2020

Center Norte, through Instituto Center Norte, sponsors, for the second year in a row, Virada Sustentável, an initiative that aims to improve society and environment from a joyful and inspiring perspective of sustainability. Edition 2020 goes from September 16th to October 18th and will have an extensive schedule, with online and offline activations.

Click here for the events that count on our support:

From October 5th to 10th
Graffiti action by Coletivo Feminino Zona Norte at Fábricas de Cultura Jaçanã, Vila Nova Cachoeirinha and Brasilândia, where the participants will depict, with their artistic manifestations, themes related to the Amazon Forest and the environment.

From October 12th to 18th
Intervention ‘Seja a Mudança’ at the subway station Carandiru with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) defined by the UN and which serve as a basis for all the Virada Cultural events all over Brazil.

Click here for more info on Virada Sustentável 2020.

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