Publicado em 6 de April de 2021
Posted in 6 de April de 2021
1230 visualizaçõesViews • 1 min de leituramin reading

Center Norte supports Hugh Day, promoted by Instituto ITACI

For the third year in a row, Center Norte supports Hug Day, promoted by Instituto ITACI, an authority in treating cancer and other hematological and rare diseases in São Paulo. The initiative that has happened for four years on May 22nd aims at raising society awareness on the importance of early diagnosis of child cancer. In this edition, because of the social distancing recommended by health authorities due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the hospital invites everyone to virtually hug ITACI.

The expectation of the virtual initiative, which will be held through the social engagement platform Gooders, is to reach 200 thousand BRL in donations, which will be reverted in personalized treatments, with more opportunities of complementary exams and medication.

And there’s one more innovation: the partnership with Gooders, a loyalty program, whose points turn into rewards. Every 1 BRL donated turns into one point in Gooders. The accumulated points can be traded for discount coupons for exclusive products and experiences, offered by over 60 e-commerce partners at a national level.

Wanna help? Click here and donate.

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