Publicado em 6 de April de 2021
Posted in 6 de April de 2021
1426 visualizaçõesViews • 1 min de leituramin reading

Think positive!

Our mind is a powerful antidote to overcome any difficulty. So, the more positive thinking we practice, the better!

It’s not easy to keep our thoughts balanced when going through a pandemic and being in social distancing. There are negative news everywhere, everyone is concerned with the economy and the change in our routine drives us crazy!

That’s why we must try and have as many light thoughts as possible. We have some tips for you to have calmer quarantine days:

  1. Watch only one news program to get information and take turns with shows like TV series, movies and documentaries.
  2. Read a good book before going to bed.
  3. Choose a moment to listen to the music you like somewhere at home. Enjoy the moment.
  4. Essential oils promote a feeling of tranquility.
  5. Keep virtually in touch with friends and family, so that you don’t miss them that much!

Last but not least, tell yourself a few times: “It’ll soon be over!”

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