Publicado em 8 de March de 2021
Posted in 8 de March de 2021
763 visualizaçõesViews • 1 min de leituramin reading

Natal Solidário Center Norte

Christmas is time for helping others.

No doubt 2020 has been a rough year, especially for families that are going through hard times during the pandemic.

Throughout the year, Instituto Center Norte and Center Norte have developed initiatives to help the communities neighboring the mall and we couldn’t do any different now that it’s Christmas.

You can be part of this too!

On Natal Solidário, between the 1st and the 12th of December 2020, we will collect donations for toys, clothes in good shape and non-perishable food which will then be distributed to the partner communities.

The donations can be made at Center Norte Mall, during the Shopping mall’s opening hours, at the collection point located in the Drive-Thru – Parking Lot A.

You can help us.

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