Publicado em 8 de March de 2021
Posted in 8 de March de 2021
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Instituto Center Norte establishes partnership to get donations of unused bikes

The bicycle is of one the most common means of transportation worldwide and it makes it easier for people who need to move or even commute or use the vehicle as a source of income. That’s why bikes have to be on the go.

With that in mind, Instituto Center Norte has partnered with Instituto Aromeiazero, which has developed several social projects that use bikes, to promote the Bike Parada Não Rola campaign.

To participate and help, from November 9th to 30th, the institute will collect unused bike donations. To donate, fill in the form by clicking here and arrange to deliver the bike straight in the Institute or schedule a date for it to be picked up.

The goal of is to increase the number of donations received by the NGO, once the bicycles are sold to generate resources or reused in Mechanics and Entrepreneurship workshops offered to socially vulnerable youth. One of these workshops is Viver de Bike, which will have a special edition for the Zaki Narchi community, on the North area of the city, supported by Instituto Center Norte.

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