Publicado em 6 de April de 2021
Posted in 6 de April de 2021
1301 visualizaçõesViews • 1 min de leituramin reading

Campanha do Agasalho at Center Norte

With the near arrival of winter, the population of northern communities need even more support. Besides the pandemic, the situation in the region has gotten worse due to a fire that took place on July 8th in the Zaki Narchi community and unfortunately affected over 50 houses of low-income families.

To support this and other communities of the North area, Center Norte and Instituto Center Norte are promoting a campaign to collect donations of winter clothing. We would like to count on you to help the one who need the most.

You can donate blankets and winter clothing; the donations can be made at a dedicated area at our drive-thru, keeping all safety measures so you don’t even have to get out of your car.

Please observe that, since we are going through rough times, we are also taking donations of non-perishable food and diapers.

Let’s do this together?

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