Publicado em 8 de March de 2021
Posted in 8 de March de 2021
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Center Norte tips for a fun and safe Carnaval at home

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Carnaval 2021 has been canceled in São Paulo. This year, we’re not having our traditional “Bloquinho Center Norte”, but why not spare a moment this weekend and party at home with the kids? The date is a great opportunity to enjoy your family and still party.

Have fun even before the party starts. To do that, count on your kids imagination and creativity to organize and prepare everything. While they make their costumes and masks, decorate their house and put on makeup, parents and kids can play and have a blast together.

At Center Norte you can find all the necessary items for a home-based Carnaval full of color and glow. See some options below*:

Riachuelo – Child Costume Blue Dress Colorful Mermaid
Riachuelo – Interactive Bodysuit Batman
Power Slimes – Polyester Glitter Scale 1.7 oz
Papel Magia – Holographic Washi Tape BRW
Lara Tiara – Pink Unicorn LED Tiara
Imaginarium – Fun Glasses Love It

To get in the real mood, Carnaval decorations are a must have, right? At Le Biscuit you can find these and other items.

Music is also part of the fun, so we have prepared a special playlist for the date, available at Spotify. Click here to access it.

Now, just enjoy and have lots of fun! Remember social distancing! This year, party with your family at home and take all the necessary care to keep everyone safe.

* All products have a limited stock and are subject to availability.

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